「 濃州堂 零式 」

DNA Paris Design Awards 2024 受賞

「 濃州堂 零式 」

DNA Paris Design Awards 2024 受賞

第八弾は「 日本刀 」
2024年4月23日 プロジェクトブランド「4DESIGN by D-W」の第八弾は、刀鍛冶の町として世界に名高い岐阜県関市の伝統工芸「日本刀」です。同市の日本刀製造販売元 有限会社 濃州堂との共創により実現しました。


日本刀の新たな姿を追求し、伝統的な製法と近代的なデザインが見事に融合した円を描くデザインは、現代の日本刀の役割の変化を象徴しています。かつては武具として圧倒的な存在だった日本刀は、現代では嗜好品や芸術品としても高い需要があります。それに応えるために、「濃州堂 零式」は新たなる姿を追求しました。そのデザインには深い意味が込められており、戦わない日本として、永遠に受け継がれる工芸であることの意味を込め、円の形が完全性と調和の象徴となり、究極の美を表現しています。


日本刀の新たな姿を追求し、伝統的な製法と近代的なデザインが見事に融合した円を描くデザインは、現代の日本刀の役割の変化を象徴しています。かつては武具として圧倒的な存在だった日本刀は、現代では嗜好品や芸術品としても高い需要があります。それに応えるために、「濃州堂 零式」は新たなる姿を追求しました。そのデザインには深い意味が込められており、戦わない日本として、永遠に受け継がれる工芸であることの意味を込め、円の形が完全性と調和の象徴となり、究極の美を表現しています。


「濃州堂 零式」は、同業者さえ驚く刀として新たな価値を生み出し多くの世代から興味関心を引きつけ、日本の伝統工芸に関わりたいと感じてくれる人材が増えることを目指しています。この挑戦は、伝統の尊さと革新の意欲を持つ職人たちによるものであり、日本の伝統工芸を進化させ、未来を切り開く唯一無二の刀として「濃州堂 零式」は誕生したのです。
Japanese swords are a prominent feature of Japanese culture, appearing in animation, manga and games. Despite their historical significance as the weapon of the Samurai, they have become a familiar sight in modern Japan. But do you know anything about real Japanese swords?
In Seki City, Japan, a pressing issue looms: the scarcity of successors to the renowned blacksmiths who have made the city famous worldwide. To address this, the awe-inspiring [Nihonto Noshudo Zero] sword was born, defying conventions and showcasing astonishing techniques that even seasoned craftsmen find surprising. Meticulously crafted, it aims to preserve Japan's endangered traditional craftsmanship and captivate a diverse audience. With a harmonious blend of respect for tradition and a thirst for innovation, Noshudo Zero represents the evolution of Japanese art, forging a radiant path towards the future.
This sword is on display at an industrial facility in Seki City and has attracted a lot of interest. Japanese sword making is one of Japan's traditional crafts and it is being reborn as a new Japanese industry. Japanese swords will be transformed into works of art.
The circular silhouette symbolises the Japanese sword's significance as more than a weapon. It represents art and culture. It showcases the swordsmith's remarkable creativity and skill. The smooth curves and sharp edges within the design express a harmonious blend of strength and grace. This design epitomises the enduring value and artistic importance of the Japanese sword, captivating both tradition and modernity with its timeless elegance.
A different method and process was required to make a circular sword blade compared to that used for conventional swords. A normal Japanese sword is either straight or curved, but a circular sword blade had to be adjusted by stretching the outer outline and shrinking the inner outline. This shape adjustment was extremely difficult and required a high degree of skill and precision. Craftsmen had to develop new techniques and innovations to accurately reproduce the shape of the curved sword blade and protector. The choice of materials and advanced processing techniques were essential to achieve a balanced circular sword, and it was worth the effort. The skilled craftsmen who made the Japanese sword knew it was a difficult but rewarding project. They poured their passion into it and their efforts were rewarded. The result was a stunning, high-quality circular Japanese sword. The project was a shining example of their passion and know-how, opening up new possibilities for traditional crafts.
This symbolic sword is displayed in a facility run by the city of Seki, and serves to convey to many people the excellence of swordsmithing and the swordsmiths' desire to pass on the traditional craft to future generations.
Japanese swords are a prominent feature of Japanese culture, appearing in animation, manga and games. Despite their historical significance as the weapon of the Samurai, they have become a familiar sight in modern Japan. But do you know anything about real Japanese swords?
In Seki City, Japan, a pressing issue looms: the scarcity of successors to the renowned blacksmiths who have made the city famous worldwide. To address this, the awe-inspiring [Nihonto Noshudo Zero] sword was born, defying conventions and showcasing astonishing techniques that even seasoned craftsmen find surprising. Meticulously crafted, it aims to preserve Japan's endangered traditional craftsmanship and captivate a diverse audience. With a harmonious blend of respect for tradition and a thirst for innovation, Noshudo Zero represents the evolution of Japanese art, forging a radiant path towards the future.
This sword is on display at an industrial facility in Seki City and has attracted a lot of interest. Japanese sword making is one of Japan's traditional crafts and it is being reborn as a new Japanese industry. Japanese swords will be transformed into works of art.
The circular silhouette symbolises the Japanese sword's significance as more than a weapon. It represents art and culture. It showcases the swordsmith's remarkable creativity and skill. The smooth curves and sharp edges within the design express a harmonious blend of strength and grace. This design epitomises the enduring value and artistic importance of the Japanese sword, captivating both tradition and modernity with its timeless elegance.
A different method and process was required to make a circular sword blade compared to that used for conventional swords. A normal Japanese sword is either straight or curved, but a circular sword blade had to be adjusted by stretching the outer outline and shrinking the inner outline. This shape adjustment was extremely difficult and required a high degree of skill and precision. Craftsmen had to develop new techniques and innovations to accurately reproduce the shape of the curved sword blade and protector. The choice of materials and advanced processing techniques were essential to achieve a balanced circular sword, and it was worth the effort. The skilled craftsmen who made the Japanese sword knew it was a difficult but rewarding project. They poured their passion into it and their efforts were rewarded. The result was a stunning, high-quality circular Japanese sword. The project was a shining example of their passion and know-how, opening up new possibilities for traditional crafts.
This symbolic sword is displayed in a facility run by the city of Seki, and serves to convey to many people the excellence of swordsmithing and the swordsmiths' desire to pass on the traditional craft to future generations.


DNA Paris Design Awards 2024
Winner in Product Design/Responsible Design
The one and only sword that opens up the future. [ Nihonto Noshudo Zero ]
受賞の詳細は をご覧ください。


私たちが情熱を注ぎ込んで作り上げた「濃州堂 零式」は関市の「せきてらす」で現在展示中です。関市の日本刀の歴史と未来をテーマとした企画展示も、本夏頃に展示開催を予定されておりますので、多くの方にその輝きと情熱を目にしていただけると嬉しいです。

詳しくは をご覧ください。


446-0045愛知県安城市横山八左20-2 Bureau Yokoyama テナントB棟-3
TEL  : 0566-89-2934

お問い合せ専用モバイルTEL : 070-1672-4040 営業日の 9:30~18:30 のみ対応。

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